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3 Tips to help you get up for University in the mornings

Waking up knowing you have to head to university tends to be the least enjoyable part of the day for most of us. With these few tips it might just ensure you both make it there on time and with all the correct necessities in your bag.

Its no surprise most people use alarms to help them get up at a specific time, however that temptation for us to get up, turn it off and get straight back into bed, can sometimes be overwhelming.
Heres a list of small things you can change that might help!

- Put your phone/alarm in a non reachable spot from your bed so you physically have to get up and out of bed
- Put your phone/alarm into a jar or something to amplify the sound

image from:

Prepare the night before:
This 10 minutes you spend before bed every night can save you time and sleep in the morning
Things such as

- Food prepping
- Going through the checklist of things to bring to class
- laying out your clothes

Have a high energy breakfast:
Prepare yourself for the day, ensuring you get high energy based foods in the morning or things such as Up & Go to give yourself that much needed motivation to leave the house.
Pairing this with some early morning activity can give you that much needed boost to get both your mind and body in working order!



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