Many of us have issues with studying at university, let alone studying at home with all the distractions e.g. parents, Facebook
Heres some quick tips to help you maximise your study time at home
- Eliminate as many distractions as possible
- Turn off Laptops/phones if not needed
- Find a secluded quiet space to work
- Make your parents aware your not to be disturbed
- Wear comfortable clothing
- Make a Plan/Set goals
- Make a schedule that focuses on different subjects at different times, so your time is spread
- Plan what days your going to study and which days will be your days off
- Set goals for that given time of work whether its time or quantity related
- Put this schedule up on your wall to help yourself get into a daily routine
- Ensure you give yourself breaks/rewards
- Setting 5 minute breaks every 30-60 minutes helps refocus your mind
- Rewarding yourself with breaks/food/gifts after finishing short + long term goals set
e.g. buying chocolate at the end of the week after successfully following the plan and reaching
the academic goals.
- Eliminate the chance of mid study distraction
- Ensure you have food on hand
- Make sure your stocked up on study supplies (pencils, pens etc) to eliminate the excuses for
stopping studying
Heres some quick tips to help you maximise your study time at home
- Eliminate as many distractions as possible
- Turn off Laptops/phones if not needed
- Find a secluded quiet space to work
- Make your parents aware your not to be disturbed
- Wear comfortable clothing
- Make a Plan/Set goals
- Make a schedule that focuses on different subjects at different times, so your time is spread
- Plan what days your going to study and which days will be your days off
- Set goals for that given time of work whether its time or quantity related
- Put this schedule up on your wall to help yourself get into a daily routine
- Ensure you give yourself breaks/rewards
- Setting 5 minute breaks every 30-60 minutes helps refocus your mind
- Rewarding yourself with breaks/food/gifts after finishing short + long term goals set
e.g. buying chocolate at the end of the week after successfully following the plan and reaching
the academic goals.
- Eliminate the chance of mid study distraction
- Ensure you have food on hand
- Make sure your stocked up on study supplies (pencils, pens etc) to eliminate the excuses for
stopping studying
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