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Welcome life squad!

It's Tiarni, Catherine, Oliver and Alex and we all wish to welcome you to our blog!

We are creating this blog to give you all great life hacks that you can use in everyday life including aspects like beauty, cars, study tips and computers. 

You may not know much about us yet but here's an introduction to each member.

Hey guys! I'm Tiarni as noted above and a random fact about me is that i'm only 4'9", i know, it's short. That fact may not have been a life hack but its a getting to know you process where I would now tell you about what i enjoy.

I have a love for beauty and makeup so of course you will see some great posts about ways to make your everyday makeup journey a lot faster if you can get lazy or run out of time just like I do! My time management may be poor but I know how to throw on some makeup in a couple minutes because of it!! I also am greatly interested in cars and so if you don't see Alex posting about them, then you may see me giving you a few pointers to pimp out your  ride!

Hi everyone! I'm Catherine and a random fact is that I like to hand sew pencil cases. 

I know studying can be really difficult, and you often don't know where to start. Here at Life Hacks 101, we will be sharing a couple of tips, including those that I have picked up so far. Please feel free to share your own tips as we go through this journey together!

Hey guys, I'm Oliver and I am your average computer nerd. Fortunately for you, the many late nights spent browsing the web has allowed me to uncover many of the hidden secrets of computers and the internet.

Ranging from increased Google search capabilities to recovering potentially lost documents, there are so many ways to increase your online ability. These computer hacks won't get you in trouble with law enforcement, but they will blow your mind.

Hi guys, the name is Alex. I enjoy hanging out with my mates and going on bike cruises. While Tiarni enjoys cars, I enjoy motorbikes. I'll be giving you guys some great life hacks and advice on essentials to carry with you on any journey you take as well as random life hacks. 

That's all from us today but make sure to stay tuned for posts almost everyday from us!
Here are the days we post:
Monday: Tiarni
Wednesday: Oliver
Thursday: Catherine
Saturday: Alex

See you guys soon! 


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