Notes, regardless of whether they're on a computer or not, they can easily get lost or mixed up. Here's a few tips to help you organise them into an easy-to-read layout.
Use 'Microsoft OneNote'
OneNote is an application that allows you to open multiple pages under a similar heading, thus being able to split your pages up e.g. Lectures and Tutorials as headings then individual pages for each different lecture or tutorial.
This allows for a well organised easy-to-read selection of your notes, allowing you to go straight to the required information.
Students also get cheap/free access to this program, so download it now to help you organise your notes!
Use a Binder with sticky notes for individual topics or each lecture so you can quickly flick to each lecture or topic.
Can also be good to organise class handouts and allows you to document your information by topic e.g. volcanoes within Geography.
Pairing this method up with earlier tips (highlighting important information) can help make important information more obvious.
Splitting up your notes
Mixing together all your topics into one binder or computer folder can often be a bad idea as information gets easily crossed and mixed up.
Splitting your notes into individual binders or folders can often affect your future studying and makes it easier to quickly flick through topics of study.
Trying to incorporate these tips and previous tips mentioned in our blog to help make your studying much more effective and easy.
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